Known in Alexandria, LA for providing affordable cremation & funeral prices for veterans & their families, the professional staff of Winnfield Funeral Home are veterans funeral & cremation experts. They have been recognized as the “Veterans Choice” by their community for their dedication to honoring all those who have proudly served our great nation.
(318) 445-5002Free burial for honorably discharged veterans and spouses is available at all VA national cemeteries.
We're On Call NowThe VA does not provide or pay for funeral or cremation arrangements.
We're On Call NowIn Alexandria, LA the veterans funeral and cremation specialists of Winnfield Funeral Home know that what matters most to those who have lost a loved one is guidance & understanding.
The highly acclaimed staff of Winnfield Funeral Home have a single focus; provide the best quality service & value to their neighbors & friends. They know that their success depends upon how they treat each and every family they serve. It’s their goal not only to satisfy your needs, but also to exceed your expectations.
Our network of veterans funeral & cremation experts are available 24/7/365 to respond to your call, expedite transport of your loved one and answer your questions. They are committed to offering a wide selection of affordable burial, cremation and remembrance options.
Immediate NeedVFMC is America's Number One Resource for veterans funeral, veterans burial & veterans cremation information. VFMC funeral home owners pledge to honor the dignity of the deceased, and respect the wishes of every family they serve.
Veterans & Family Memorial Care (VFMC) funeral home providers appreciate the trust that families and hospice workers place in us and we constantly strive to be deserving of that trust. At no time will family members be without support. The strong attachments and trust developed in one supportive environment (hospice) are shared and transferred to another (VFMC funeral home provider) as the family moves through the process of dying, death and bereavement.
Hospice Care includes care of the patient and family prior to the time of death, at the time of death, and care of the family during the bereavement period. For this reason VFMC funeral home providers have become an integral part of hospice care by bridging the gap between the time of death and bereavement care. When you consider the philosophy of hospice and funeral service, it is clear why the continuum of care provided by our professional staff is a "natural extension" of hospice care. VFMC funeral home providers and hospice caregivers work closely together in order to meet the total needs of families. With greater understanding of each others care, areas of expertise and resources, hospice workers and our caring staff work together to plan a course which makes for a more natural transition of care at the time of death and in caring for the survivors in the months following the death.
Over the last 30 years I have personally seen thousands of families through one of life's most stressful situations, the loss of a loved one. What I've learned from my decades of experience is this...what matters most to those who are dealing with a death is guidance and understanding. Therefore I have selected funeral homes across America whose promise to their community is radically different from the others. They pledge to uphold the highest level of ethical business standards and believe that they have a unique responsibility to honor the dignity of the deceased, to aid and counsel the family in time of grief, and to encourage remembrance with each family within its own traditions, culture and financial means.
VFMC funeral home providers work with leaders in the financial services sector who provide safe, stable & sound solutions for the funeral industry. The funds are placed in an insurance policy, trust, or an annuity and remain there until the death occurs. Prepayment also protects against inflation and price increases because no further charges are made on the items selected by you.
Setting aside funds and leaving specific information regarding your own personal desires will greatly ease your family's burden of making decisions and is one of the best ways to help your family during their difficult time of grief and loss. Most important, they will not have to try and guess what arrangements you would have wanted. It’s actually comforting to the people left behind knowing that you had a say in your own farewell.
Right now is the perfect time to take the first step towards protecting your family and ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled. Learn more about the service and pricing options offered by your local Veterans & Family Memorial Care funeral home provider. Submit the form to the right to get started >>
* Yes, I would like more information about the Funeral Preplanning options provided by my nearest Veterans & Family Memorial Care Funeral Home Provider. I understand that a Remembrance Planner will contact me in order to review my options.